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Friendship AI Images Prompts To Bing Image Cretor

If you want to create AI-generated friendship images, in this post we have provided a total of 4 AI prompts. By using these prompts, you can generate friendship images with your name on Bing Image Creator. 

Hello friends, welcome to today's post. Today, we will be sharing the complete process of generating AI images to make the fun of friendship even more interesting. You might have seen friendship AI images going viral on social media, where friends' names are included on the AI image's T-shirts, and these images are of high quality. Similarly, in this post, we will guide you on how to create such 3D AI images using prompts. So, let's get started with today's post.

Generate Friendship AI Images Using - Prompts 

AI Prompts: These are in text format, and using them, you can create friendship AI images on the "Bing Image Creator" tool. We have provided a total of 4 prompts, each generating different images. Some AI prompts are designed to generate images of three friends, while others can be used by girls to create images with their friends' names. The step-by-step process for creating images is provided in the lower part of the post.

Generate Friendship (Dosti) images by Using Bing Image Creator tool

Bing image creator: Bing Image Creator is an AI tool where users can turn their imagination into images by writing text prompts. This image tool, created by Microsoft, is renowned worldwide for generating 3D AI images. Users first need to sign up using Google. Each day, they receive 15 credits, with one credit required to generate one image. By using the friendship AI prompts, you too can generate 3D images on Bing Image Creator.

Friendship Ai Prompts for Bing image creator
Friendship Ai image 

How to Create ↓(large-bt)

What is Friendship AI Image ? 

Friendship AI Image:By using prompts on Bing Image Creator, we have turned imagination into images for friendship, commonly known on social media as friendship AI images. We have already used all these image prompts in the Bing Image Creator tool, and we have provided you with the direct links to these prompts. Below, you will find the image previews along with the prompt links for creating friendship AI images. Click on the "Get AI Prompts" button, enter your name in the prompt, and generate your image.
Before using the Friendship AI Prompts, you may need to create a new account or sign up on Bing Image Creator. Therefore, click on the "How To Create" button above to learn the full process of creating images.(alert-warning)

Learn more about Bing AI Image Generator? 

Prompt 1

3 boy Ai image prompt
Friendship Day AI Image of boy

Prompt 2.

3 Girl Friendship AI Images
Friendship Day AI Images Prompts for girls

Prompt 3

Outdoor Friend group AI Image with car photo
AI Image Dosti 

Prompt 4

A Group Photos Of Friendship AI Images
Group AI Image Prompts for friendship Day 

If you are unable to create images using prompts on Bing Image Creator, first click on the link below to sign up on Bing Image Creator using Google. After signing up, you can easily use the AI Prompts we have provided to create friendship images.

Details Of Friendship AI Images ?

NameFriendship AI Image 
TypeAI Image 
Format Text(prompt)
Work inBing Image Creator 
QualityHigh Resolution 
Made By@sonu

More VN Template -

How to Use AI Prompts In Bing Image Creator tool

Here is Video Tutorial 

  1. Click on the "Watch Video" button above to view the tutorial. If you are new,the most important task for you is to create an account on Bing Image Creator.
  2. Now,visit to create an AI image and click "Get Ai Prompts" as per your needs.
  3. Now, remove the existing names of friends in the prompt and enter the names of your friends. Then, click on the "Create" button.
  4. Finally,download the image,and use it.


Using these prompts to generate AI friendship images is very easy, and you can also customize the prompts to meet your requirements. By creating images for social media, you can make them go viral on reels. So, I think you should create images with your friends' names. Thanks.

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