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Video Tutorial: How to Use VN Filter

Here Is All Ste To Use VN Filter

Video Coming... Soon(demo) 


Find a VN Filter Post

Browse through the website to locate a VN filter post that interests you. You can use the search bar or navigate through categories to find the desired VN LUTs filter(link).

Open the VN Filter Post

Click on the VN filter post to view its details. This will take you to a page with information about the filter and options for downloading it.

Click “Get VN Filter” Button 

VN Filter Download button
Click to get VN filter

Look for the “Get VN Filter” Button on the VN filter post page. Click this button to Get the VN LUTs filter file to your device.

Download the VN Filter File 

Download VN Filter
Save filter in device

After clicking the link, a download prompt should appear, allowing you to save the VN LUTs filter file. Ensure you save it in a location where you can easily access it.

Open VN App 

VN App Play Store
VN App

Launch the VN (Video Editor) App(small-bt) on your device. Make sure you have the latest version of the app installed for best compatibility.

Import the VN Filter 

Open Phone File Manager
Open phone file manager 

In the Phone File Manager, navigate to the Download Folder 📂 And Select Your downloaded VN Filter in (zip) by long press .Then Share It in In VN App.

Create Library For luts 

Create folder for VN filter
Create folder for filter

Now you can add this Luts filter to any folder of your VN filter or you will get the option to create a folder.

Apply the Filter to Your Video

Apply VN filter
Finally Apply filter

Once the filter is added, you can apply it to your video projects. Select the filter from your library and adjust its settings as needed.

Customize Your Video

Edit and enhance your video using the applied filter. Make any additional adjustments to achieve the desired look.

Save and Share

After finalizing your edits, save your video project and share it as needed.


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